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Creative Divorce Solutions: Thinking Outside the Box

Serving Palm Beach County for Over 30 Years

There are certain issues that are addressed in every divorce case.  Dividing the assets and the debts are a necessary part of every divorce.  In families that have children in the home, parenting time and child support must also be addressed.  In some situations, alimony may be appropriate.  Florida law dictates types of factors the courts should consider when evaluating parenting time, child support, and alimony.  Lawyers representing each side engage in discussions about how these issues will be resolved, whether they are mediating the divorce, working under a collaborative divorce agreement, or are simply negotiating the case in a traditional way.  However, sometimes the parties to the divorce have additional desires.  This is where having a lawyer that thinks outside the box is essential.

Consider Holidays

Parenting time on traditional holidays, such as New Years and the Fourth of July are commonly addressed in a divorce decree.  Similarly, religious holidays such as Hanukkah and Christmas are the subject of parenting time in divorce decrees.  But what about days such as Halloween, Valentine’s Day, or St. Patrick’s Day?  For some families, these days are just as important as the commonly recognized holidays.  If St. Patrick’s Day is observed by a family by participating in a local parade or other celebration, for example, it is a good idea to address parenting time for this day in the divorce decree.

Consider Family Traditions

Some families choose to send their children to private schools.  However, in some families, attending a particular private school is considered of critical importance.  If this is the case for your family, consider asking your divorce lawyer to address this in the divorce decree.  While designating a private high school for the child to attend is not done as a matter of course in divorce cases, it certainly can be done if the parties agree to it.  Even if spouses are on good terms at the time of the divorce, including such agreements in the divorce decree, along with details about who will pay for the private education, ensures that the child will, in fact, be educated at the family alma mater.

Thinking Outside the Box

Other family traditions that can be addressed in a divorce decree include the child attending a particular summer camp, parenting time to a certain parent on opening hunting season, or on the opening night of the opera.  If you are uncertain about whether something could be included, you only need to ask your divorce attorney.

Considering Divorce?

If you are considering divorce, you need a divorce attorney who is not only familiar with divorce law, but has the experience you need to craft a divorce resolution that is right for you and your family.  This may include negotiating for specific situations unique to you and your family.  Contact the law office of Eric C. Cheshire, P.A.  Eric Cheshire has more than 25 years of family law and divorce law experience.  He can help you and your family during your divorce.  Of course, every divorce is different.  Some are resolved through mediation, some through the collaborative divorce law practice, some through negotiation, and some require litigation.  Whatever path your divorce takes, Eric Cheshire has the experience necessary to guide you through the process.  Call today. (561) 677-8090.
