What Divorce Can Teach You About Starting Over In The New Year

Now that the holidays are behind us and a new year has begun, many people start to reflect and evaluate where they are in their life path and the decisions they’ve made up to this point. Because of this, January is the month when many couples file for divorce each year after they have had some time to ponder their past and future.

Since every relationship, couple and individual is different, so are the reasons for deciding to divorce in the new year. For some, the relationship stayed together through the holidays for family and children. For others, the season was filled with social commitments and work obligations keeping both partners busy and moving forward with plans, even if things didn’t ‘feel quite right’.  Once the holidays wind down, and it’s time to get back to a routine, one or both partners may decide it’s simply time to start the new year in a new way, to take a path that is best suited for them alone.

Whatever the reasons that lead to filing for divorce, preserve your quality of life by seeking out a Florida Divorce Lawyer who will act as a strong and effective advocate dedicated to protecting your legal rights with a sincere concern for your well-being. By enlisting the help of a trustworthy divorce lawyer, you can take the necessary steps to get the fresh start you deserve and begin life anew.

Here Are 3 Things Divorce Can Teach You About Starting Over In The New Year:

Choose Yourself –

Too often one or both individuals in a relationship relinquish a sense of unique identity or personal interests in order to best suit or please a partner. In the process, it also hinders the growth of each person as well as the relationship from growing and deepening in a meaningful way.  Too many times, the resentment that builds from holding back becomes one of the greatest sources of regret or anger during the divorce. When starting over after divorce, do so authentically and choose yourself first. By discovering and sharing what makes you unique, everyone may benefit from your special gifts and talents.

Self Care –

Going through the process of Filing for divorce  and setting up a new life can be stressful and challenging.  In order to effectively  meet these challenges, you should practice good self care by getting enough rest, exercising, eating a healthy diet and nurturing your spirit with uplifting family, friends and experiences. Starting these good habits now will help you as you create a new life in the new year.

Family Time –

Most parents who file for divorce cite the most difficult and emotional part of splitting up is the effect it has on their children. Many couples work through this process with the help of a counselor or family law attorney in order to come up with a parenting plan to help children feel safe and cared for throughout the divorce process. A parenting plan may include things like contact arrangements, school activities, holiday schedules and more. The important factor is the planning – it means taking time to focus on the needs of the children. Establishing a good parenting plan helps create the  opportunity to spend time with kids as the weeks and months progress. A parenting plan is a great practice to keep and use as the children grow, and will help curb many concerns down the road.

If divorce is part of the new year, be certain your Florida Divorce Lawyer is ready to be on your side from start to finish.

Ultimately only you can answer the question “Do I start over, on my own, this year?

If the answer is yes, then hire someone who understands the delicate nature of your circumstances and is dedicated to helping you achieve the results you desire for the new year and new you.

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