3 Reasons to Hire an Attorney in Your Divorce Case

3 reasons to hire an expert in your divorce caseThere are at least three different circumstances that commonly lead to hiring an expert in divorce cases.  Hidden assets, alimony, and child custody are all areas of a divorce that may benefit from the insights an expert can provide.  Not every type of expert will be necessary in every in type of case, however, in the right case, one or more experts can have a profound impact on the results.

Hidden Assets

It is never a good idea to hide assets from your lawyer or your spouse’s lawyer during a divorce.  However, sometimes, people do it.  A forensic accountant has the skills necessary to identify and track down hidden assets.  This is important because property division should be equitable under the law.  Without a complete picture of all the assets, the parties and the court cannot fairly divide the property.  A forensic accountant reviews income, retirement accounts, business records, and other data to make a determination about potential hidden assets.


There are several different types of alimony under Florida divorce law.  The type of alimony, and the length of alimony awarded, depends in large part on the length of the marriage, and when or whether the spouse receiving alimony can support themselves.  A vocational specialist is an expert who can help determine what training or education is necessary in order for the spouse to gain the ability to support themselves.  A vocational expert talks with the spouse about their desired field, reviews their current qualifications, discusses areas of study, and reviews the job market to make reasonable predictions about when a spouse may be able to join the workforce.

Child Custody

In Florida, determinations about parenting time and child custody must be based on the “best interests of the child.”  A parenting expert can provide valuable information to the court about the environment in both homes, the attitudes of the parents regarding child rearing, the extended family of both spouses, and how their presence or absence may impact the child as they grow, and other factors that may position one parent to provide the child with a more stable environment.  A parenting expert offers their findings to the court, who considers the findings, along with a host of other factors when making parenting time determinations.

Are You Considering Divorce?

If you are considering divorce, contact the Law Office of Eric C. Cheshire, P. A.  Eric Cheshire focuses his practice exclusively on divorce and family law issues.  He has experience handling cases where the other side may be hiding assets.  Alimony and child custody issues are common in divorce, and Eric C. Cheshire has extensive professional contacts with experts in these areas.  With the Law Office of Eric C. Cheshire, P. A., your divorce case is in good hands.  Contact the office today at (561) 677-8090 to schedule a consultation to discuss your situation.

Additional Reading

Determining the Best Form of Alimony for Your Situation

Understanding Parenting Plans in Florida

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